Because she's a wanted murder and her favourite method to get victimis is via hitchking in American country roads
Because she's a wanted murder and her favourite method to get victimis is via hitchking in American country roads
…… s-shut up you don’t know what you’re talking about! 😖
This song is still a banger up to this day I swear to god I still Remember it getting viral on FB back in the 2011 or something
TRUEEE i still remember (some of) the lyrics to this day
Based fr..............
Essential for survival!
Ugasi canon in Don't Starve???
Ugasi can be unlocked if you wait in the same spot for fifteen days, trust me my dad works at Klei.
Me after playing Ghost of Tsushima and Devil May Cry on the PS5 at once
cant relate but i empathize
It would be a neat feature for her to have a blind eye (I thought of that by looking at her drawing on the right where one of her eyes has a visible pupil under the shadow)
Omg I've also been thinking about it!
I'm seeing if I can redesign it and this was a good idea, I'll include it :3
Wtf look at mini Tom Fulp right there
He is a good little lad.
Wtf I fucking love his design!!! Good job, he kinda reminds me of the Gundam Scythe and that other "Bat-like" Gundam which I don't remember its name. Hope to see more about him on this site
You're thinking of Gundam Deathscythe from Wing, which yes, it was one of my inspirations for Garuda. But i was also more or less inspired by Weltall from Xenogears, especially in his face-plate and coloring.
The savior looks like he's gonna save something more than the world itself being built like that
he could save me alright
An aspiring comic writer who's just enjoying da site!!! Always open for collabs and shit
Propic by @Belkahoy on Twitter
Age 26, Agender (They/Them)
Aspiring Writer
Joined on 9/8/17