Plot twist: he flying thanks to a fart operated skyboard
Plot twist: he flying thanks to a fart operated skyboard
He is getting a lot of air
... Can I have the sprite used as a reference?
No because that is my clients work not mine.
His beard reminds me of Ichiban
[My] beard * :)
Well, he was right about the "will not take me alive" part though
Ey man he was coming right at him
How is Volcano High? Is it any good
The game is not released yet, and I'm not even sure if it will be released at this point, I played Snoot game in the meantime, it's nice!
Wtf that's freaking epic! Do you do commissions for Mechas in general?
I do, but not at the moment
What an handsome fellaπ³
you're a little ahdndsome flelea
Minchia bellissimo! A quando le animazioni epike?
Grazie mille! Animare Γ¨ un parolone purtroppo so solo fare qualche robetta con gli occhi π
Happy birthday!!!
Thanks chad :>
Embrace yourself in 16 days, bois... We're gonna nail it
oh hell yeah its gonna fuckin happen B)
An aspiring comic writer who's just enjoying da site!!! Always open for collabs and shit
Propic by @Belkahoy on Twitter
Age 26, Agender (They/Them)
Aspiring Writer
Joined on 9/8/17